Courses for operators of ground control of unmanned aerial vehicles | ХАІ
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HomeStudentStudent Design BureauCourses for operators of ground control of unmanned aerial vehicles

Courses for operators of ground control
of unmanned aerial vehicles

Training on the course "Operator of ground control means of unmanned aerial vehicles"

You will receive basic knowledge in the following disciplines:

- Fundamentals of multicopter aerodynamics.

- Fundamentals of control and flight dynamics.

- Basics of multicopter design.

- Electrical and radio equipment.

- Basics of multicopter operation.

- Safety techniques when operating a multicopter.

- Laws regulating UAV flights.

- Basics of meteorology.

- Special cases of flight.

- Basics of piloting on a simulator.

- Exercises on flying equipment.

Place of classes - Kharkiv, st. Chkalova, building 17, impulse housing, k. 102.

The schedule of classes will be specified after the group is completed.

Send preliminary applications to Viber 068 329 41 67 (for messages only)

In the application, indicate the full name and contact information.

+38 067 741 78 34 (for calls) 

Experience in controlling a quadcopter, having your own equipment is welcome (specify in the application).

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