An institution that has PHOENIX WINGS!
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HomeNewsAn institution that has PHOENIX WINGS!


An institution that has PHOENIX WINGS!

The report of the ICTV TV channel was filmed on January 17, 2023 at the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

During the Great War, the Russian army shelled one of the best universities in the country - the National Aerospace University - 160 times.

The occupiers hit it with rocket launchers, hiding in residential buildings in the suburbs of Kharkiv.

The destruction is shocking.

However, the university persevered, recovered and is ready to accept students even tomorrow.

And while the enemy is firing missiles, students study remotely, and although it is difficult for a technical university, it maintains the level of one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Traditionally, the Leonid Kuchma Presidential Fund awarded the best of the best students with special awards.

The author of the video: journalist of the Fakty ICTV program - Tetyana Dotsiak.

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