XIII International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2022"
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HomeNewsXIII International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2022"


XIII International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2022"

On November 23-25, 2022, the XIII International Exhibition "Modern Educational Institutions - 2022" took place.

One of its most active participants - National Aerospace University "KHAI" - was awarded the Grand Prix "Higher Education of Ukraine", as well as the Gold Medal in the nomination "Modern educational institution - the territory of preservation and strengthening of health". Also, a separate diploma was awarded to the contribution of KAI to the development of national education and the popularization of educational, scientific and innovative achievements, and an honorary certificate to the personal contribution of the rector of our university, Mykola Nechiporuk, to the implementation of the tasks of modern state policy in the field of education.

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