World University Ranking 2024
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HomeNewsWorld University Ranking 2024


World University Ranking 2024

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 includes 1904 universities from 108 countries. 

The ranking is based on the new WUR 3.0 methodology, which includes 18 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure the effectiveness of an institution in five fields: teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international recognition.

More than 134 million citations in 16.5 million scientific publications were analyzed to compile this year's ranking,. The survey involved 68,402 scientists from all around the world. In total, 411,789 measurements were made in more than 2,673 institutions that provided data.

The United States is the most represented country overall with 169 institutions, as well as the most represented in the top 200.

India is now the fourth most represented nation, with 91 institutions, overtaking China.

Stanford University leads in education field, while the universities of Oxford and Cambridge are at the top of the research rankings. The research quality indicator, recently renamed the citation indicator, puts the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in first place.

This year's ranking includes only 14 Ukrainian universities out of 652, or only 2%.

National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" ranks 4th among the national Ukrainian universities KhAI is ranked 2nd, in terms of the research quality, and in terms of the international recognition - 6th.

Thus, KhAI entered the TOP range from 6.5% to 8.1% of universities in the world!

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