Presentation of presidential scholarships of the Leonid Kuchma Foundation
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HomeNewsPresentation of presidential scholarships of the Leonid Kuchma Foundation


Presentation of presidential scholarships of the Leonid Kuchma Foundation

On November 1, 2018, our university was visited by the second president of Ukraine, an honorary professor at the National Aerospace University. N.E. Zhukovsky “KhAI” Leonid Danilovich Kuchma

Traditionally, the president handed nominal presidential scholarships to students who distinguished themselves by their achievements in studies, science and social activities. Presidential scholarships were awarded to the following students:

- Olga Avramidi, 456m;

- Maxim Boyko, 153m;

- Victoria Borbitskaya, 525;

- Diana Volkova, 453m;

- Maxim Ivanov, 221st;

- Vera Kachurovskaya, 156mp;

- Polina Simanyuk, 331.

After the presentation, a press conference was held, where everyone present in the hall could ask a question to Leonid Danilovich. The questions were of a different nature and the president tried to give the most complete and detailed answer to everything. After the conference there was a small celebratory concert block where the best talents of the KhAI performed. After that, everyone made a joint mass photo for memory.