LLC "BIIR Ukraine" - "KhAI". New relationships page
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HomeNewsLLC "BIIR Ukraine" - "KhAI". New relationships page


LLC "BIIR Ukraine" - "KhAI". New relationships page

On November 21, 2018, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Limited Liability Company "BIRI Ukraine" and the National Aerospace University named after them were signed. M.E. Zhukovsky's "KhAI". Director of the company Akzhigitova Dinat Zagiduluvna and the rector of KhAI Nechiporuk Mykola Vasilievich identified the main directions of the relationship for the next 5 years.
The signing of this agreement expands the range of opportunities for each of the parties. First of all, it is the training and retraining of staff, as well as practice and internships, the opportunity of employment of our graduates.
LLC "BIRIR Ukraine", located in Odessa, is a representative of the Danish company BIIR with its head office in Denmark (Arhus). The company specializes in the provision of engineering services in the field of wind power, other renewable energy sources, oil and gas production. Specialists should have extensive knowledge in designing, conducting calculations of any complexity, as well as preparing design and technical documentation. Not surprisingly, several HAI students have already taken decent places in this company.
It should be reminded that in April this year at the Student-Industrial Forum "Job Fair 2018" LLC "BIRP Ukraine" duly presented itself and caused interest among many of our students, and on November 16, representatives of the company took part in weekly employer presentations "Work Week 2018" .
We look forward to long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.