Bright memory of the bright man-legend!
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HomeNewsBright memory of the bright man-legend!


Bright memory of the bright man-legend!

On the night of December 22-23, the founder, artistic director and conductor of the People's Amateur Wind Orchestra "KHAI" - Andriy Tverdy passed away.

The history of the university is closely intertwined with the brass band.

KhAI sounds like the language of music performed by a brass band. So it was, so it is and so it will be!

The collective in its current form was revived in 2001.

And since then, the development and recognition of the students of Kharkiv and far beyond, glorified our university. It will probably be symbolic to remember that on December 27, 2021, music filled the peaceful life of educators with a traditional New Year's concert of the orchestra, and it seems that it was the last concert of the KHAI before the war.

But we know for sure that the brass band will still sound on our peaceful land and will continue the work of Andrii Kindratovich, with honor!

Because music is a symbol of life, free and joyful life.

We express our condolences and words of thanks to the family!

Farewell to Andrii Kindratovych will take place on December 27 at 10:00 a.m. at Kharkiv Crematorium (Zhyhor), 3 Nadbirna St.

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