Internship at CodeIT
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Internship at CodeIT

Do you want a paid internship at CodeIT? Get tested!

CodeIT offers two training programs: Front End and Back End. We help
get the first experience and fill in the gaps in knowledge for those who want to learn
to program.
The training program lasts 3-4 months and this period coincides with the test
for a period of time.
- During the training program, the intern receives theory and practical
- After successful completion of the program, the intern connect to the real
project under the mentorship of experienced developers.
- The training program is paid.
Registration link -
Testing will be held on October 11 at 13:40 - Main building (room 307)
If you are a recent student, have basic knowledge of the Web
development, you know English, you want to develop and become qualified
a specialist, you to us!