Cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences
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HomeNewsCooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences


Cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences

KhAI expands the boundaries of cooperation with higher education institutions of the aerospace.

A delegation of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", consisting of rector Mykola Nechiporuk, vice-rector for scientific work Volodymyr Pavlikov and head of the international relations department Olena Agapova, visited the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The Polish Academy of Sciences is a network of several dozen research institutes and an association of scientists whose main task is to conduct scientific research at a high level. The delegation of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" held talks with the director of the Kyiv representative office of the academy Mateusz Byalas and the director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Polish Academy of Sciences Anna Plater-Zuberk. During the first meeting on establishing scientific cooperation, the parties agreed to deepen cooperation with higher education institutions and scientific institutions regarding future educational and scientific projects.

The result of cooperation should be the creation of a regional contact point on the basis of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" to assist scientists in scientific integration into the European Research Area.

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