Ukrainian Foreign Minister met with students of KhAI
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HomeNewsUkrainian Foreign Minister met with students of KhAI


Ukrainian Foreign Minister met with students of KhAI

At the invitation of the rector Mykola Nechyporuk, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin visited KhAI National Aerospace University named after M. E. Zhukovsky on October 5, 2018. Also on this day, Victor POPOV, Chairman of the Board of PJSC "FED", was present at us, an honorary graduate of KhAI. The minister got acquainted with the unique leading scientific laboratories of the KhAI, learned about the national heritage of the university - the aerodynamic complex and held an informal meeting with students - future engineers, analysts, designers, technologists, psychologists and linguists.
Pavel Anatolyevich began a conversation with the fact that he is very happy to visit our university, because the aerospace direction is close to him from his own experience. After graduating from the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Studies with a diploma in the field of Physics and Applied Mathematics, he began his labor career at the Institute of Electric Welding. E. Paton of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who studied physical and chemical processes in the welding arc. But in two years he was offered to try himself at the diplomatic service, because the Department of Military Control and Disarmament of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine needed people with technical education. Simple and easy, our dear guest told about his youthful impressions from his first experience of working on a computer, programming in the language FORTRAN, computer simulation, etc.
Students from the eight departments of the KHAI put Mr Pavel different questions of their concern and received exhaustive detailed answers.
Addressing each student, Pavel Anatolyevich emphasized: "Each of you has many chances. Technical education teaches you to think, think rationally. You are our future! "
Summing up the meeting, Pavlo Klimkin wished to realize all student dreams!
