bellCreated using FigmaVectorCreated using FigmacalendarCreated using Figmaearth-globeCreated using FigmaenvelopeCreated using FigmaFax 1Created using FigmaVectorCreated using FigmaVectorCreated using Figmatelephone-handle-silhouetteCreated using Figma



November 10 will be a quest from the faculty of radio electronics, computer systems and infocommunications.

We invite all schoolchildren of 10-11 grades and senior students of technical schools to take part in a quest from our faculty!

You will be able to take part in a team competition and win valuable prizes from sponsors of leading IT companies.

Teams of 3-4 people each are allowed to compete. If you do not have a team, it does not matter - we will find you comrades.

We are waiting for you on November 10, 2018 (Saturday), the event will begin at 09:30.

Do not forget to bring your smartphone!

Registration of participants RECSIFest link