Сareer orientation engineering intensive
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HomeNewsСareer orientation engineering intensive


Сareer orientation engineering intensive

Wow, Wow, FRIENDS, this has never happened before! The Faculty of Aircraft Control Systems in cooperation with the Faculty of Aviation Engines has prepared a mega cool career orientation engineering intensive!

From December 21 to 23, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. in Online format!

Pump yourself and your intelligence.

You will learn:

- what power engineers do and what gas turbine engines can be used for;

- about effective use of thermal energy and what energy audit is;

- about the modern understanding of the quality of goods and services and about the two main problems of all measurements;

- about the use of nano-technologies in the modern world;

- how to combine the knowledge of an engineer and a software developer, and that's not all, because the spectrum we offer is the most diverse.

Just an hour of your precious time, which will help with the most important choice in life - your future!

We are waiting for you!

Do not delay, join.

To receive a link, register in the GOOGLE form https://forms.gle/1xLxak8LY3o4wsMf6 or join the Telegram channel https://t.me/vstup_khai.

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