DENOX project, which will develop innovative technologies for NOx reduction in aeroengines, won €1 mln in the Clean Sky 2 call under the Horizon 2020 programme.
Today the issue of NOx reduction is extremely important for aircraft industry. The Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) set the ambitious goal – to reduce NOx emitted by aeroengines by 90% before 2050. The research team of the KhAI’s Faculty of Aviation Engines in the DENOX project will develop technologies to reduce such emissions. The project, where KhAI is solely responsible for all technical activities, was stared on January, 1, 2019. It aims to develop and prove experimentally two breakthrough technology concepts for drastic reduction of NOx emissions in gas-turbine aero-engines. The first one consists in electrochemical suppression of NOx generation in primary combustion zone, the second one - in electromagnetic decomposition of NOx molecules in the engine exhaust. “I have been working in this field for almost 20 years. For this time the technology concepts were developed and theoretically proven. But the experimental investigations are still necessary. Now they will be performed in the DENOX project” – told the principal investigator of the project Dr. Dmytro Dolmatov. DENOX is the second Clean Sky 2 project of KhAI and the fifth one under the Horizon 2020 programme. The success of the University in the grant funding acquisition is based on the joint efforts of researchers and proposal writing experts of KhAI. 2 more Clean Sky 2 calls for partners are expected soon. They will cover different topics, such as aerostructures, aeroengines, control systems, manufacturing processes, design methodologies, etc. The International Projects and Programmes Office regularly informs KhAI staff about new calls.