Musical event "How the opera Giuseppe Verdi" Aida "is born with participation of the Academic orchestra and choir of the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic
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HomeNewsMusical event "How the opera Giuseppe Verdi" Aida "is born with participation of the Academic orchestra and choir of the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic


Musical event "How the opera Giuseppe Verdi" Aida "is born with participation of the Academic orchestra and choir of the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic

October 28, at 15:30, the assembly hall of the main building of the "KhAI".


Director - Chief Conductor of Kharkiv Philharmonic, Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, winner of the International Contest of Conductors Vakhtang Jordania - Yuri Vladimirovich Yanko.

Concertmaster of the orchestra - People's Artist of Ukraine Igor Petrovich Shapovalov.

Artistic Director - Chief Conductor of the Academic Choir. V.S. Palkina, laureate of all-Ukrainian and international competitions Andrey Ivanovich Sirotenko.

Stage Director - Mark Crown (The Netherlands).

Conductor - Irun Weiering (The Netherlands).


The opera is performed in 3 acts in the Italian language, the duration of the play with two intermissions - 3:00 20 minutes.

Tickets in the trade union committee (135 rubles)


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