International Volunteer Day
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HomeNewsInternational Volunteer Day


International Volunteer Day

The International Day of Volunteers in the Name of Economic and Social Development is one of the international days of the UN, dedicated to persons engaged in volunteering. This holiday is especially relevant today, because a lot of help and responsibility during the war rests on the shoulders of volunteers.

The holiday was founded back in 1985 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly. In modern Ukraine, the volunteer movement began in the 90s, and it was officially recognized on December 10, 2003 by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.

It is believed that the volunteer movement began in the 20s of the 20th century. After the First World War, in 1920, in France, near Strasbourg, the first volunteer project was implemented with the participation of German and French youth, in the framework of which volunteers restored farms destroyed by the war in the places of the fiercest battles between German and French troops. Later, this baton was picked up by India and the movement spread around the world. In 1987, there were 80 million volunteers in the world, at the beginning of the 21st century - more than 100 million.

The most powerful surge of Ukrainian volunteering took place in 2014. People sacrificed everything: time, money, often health and life.

Since the beginning of the war, the employees of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" also actively joined the volunteer movement.

We congratulate everyone involved in the volunteer movement with a happy holiday!


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