Industry 4.0 in Kharkiv
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HomeNewsIndustry 4.0 in Kharkiv


Industry 4.0 in Kharkiv

Opening of the regional center 4.0 based on the Aerospace University October 4-5, KhAI

The conference opens the 2nd regional center of the "Industry 4.0 in Ukraine" conference in Kharkiv on October 4-5. We invite the leaders and leading experts in the automation and control systems of industry, energy, infrastructure objects - from Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy and other regions, developers, engineering companies and start-ups to join our discussions on accelerating the development of technological industrial segments.

The main task of the conference is to unite and consolidate the members of the regional industrial hi-tech community around the common challenges in developing the local ecosystem 4.0. The event is being held under the auspices of the Association of Industrial Automation Enterprises of Ukraine (APAAU). Organizers - APAAU, National Aerospace University named after. M. Ye. Zhukovsky, PJSC "FED".

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