Blockchain. What will decentralization in the digital world lead to? Open lecture
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HomeNewsBlockchain. What will decentralization in the digital world lead to? Open lecture


Blockchain. What will decentralization in the digital world lead to? Open lecture

In the media, the expectations from the blockchain are bloated. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that blockchain is a big step towards the creation of independent and fault-tolerant services, where serviceability and ease of use are also important for users. In an open lecture, we consider the following questions:- Decentralized accounting systems- Patterned smart contracts- Payment channels and Lightening Network-Approach to consensus-Introduction to tokenization and trend prospects Speaker:Bogdan Skryabin is a leading specialist in cryptography and decentralized systems at the Distributed Lab. Research interests: protocols of decentralized accounting systems, software wallet architecture, cryptographic schemes, confidentiality in digital currencies. Since 2014, he has been involved in the industry of decentralized technologies and blockchains. Co-author of the book "Blockchain and decentralized systems" Date: October 18, 2018, 18:00Location: Kharkov, Chkalov St., 17, KhAI, audience 233 radio corpsPrice: FreeRegistration: