«Futurе of Ukraine» 2018
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HomeNews«Futurе of Ukraine» 2018


«Futurе of Ukraine» 2018

On May 12, 2018, the second round of the All-Ukrainian festival of engineering talents “Future of Ukraine” 2018 was held at the KhAI.

The competition was attended by students from 17 universities in Ukraine. With 10 winners, exactly 7 students study at KhAI.

In mid-September 2018, the winners returned from a week-long journey, where they visited the main production facilities of Boeing Corporation, located in the city of Everett and M. Renton, Washington, USA.

In order to promote the development of engineering education, popularize the engineering profession, search, encourage and support creative talented young people who are planning to link their future with engineering activities, in 2019 it is also planned to hold the Future of Ukraine All-Ukrainian Engineering Talent Festival.

In this regard, October 11, 2018 at 15.30 in 426 aud. the main building will be a presentation of representatives of the "Charitable Foundation. St. Vladimir ”, as well as a meeting with the winners of the charity project - the All-Ukrainian festival of engineering talents“ Future of Ukraine ”2018, to which students of the faculties of Aircraft Manufacturing, Aircraft Engines and Rocket and Space Technology are invited.


For more information, contact the department of employment assistance for students and graduates of the KhAI.

Tel. (057) 788-42-83;

e-mail: [email protected]
