Problem research laboratories | ХАІ
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HomeScienceScientific divisionsProblem research laboratories

Problematic research laboratories
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Problematic research laboratory of aerohydrodynamics and acoustics Problematic research laboratory "Strength" Problematic research laboratory of aircraft construction technology

Problematic Research Laboratory of Gas Turbine Engines and Installations Problematic Research Laboratory of Aircraft Engine Diagnostics Problematic Research Laboratory of Electrohydraulic Stamping

Problematic Research Laboratory of Composite Materials Problematic Research Laboratory of Aircraft Control Systems Problematic Research Laboratory of Ultra-Broadband Radio Electronics

Problematic Research Laboratory of Computer Technologies in Biomedical Engineering and Radio Electronics Problematic Research Laboratory of Information Technologies and System Problematic Research Laboratory of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship

Problematic Research Laboratory of Functional Diagnostics "Students' Health"