Proposals for cooperation | ХАІ
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Proposals for cooperation
of the Scientific and educational center of microsatellite construction

Cooperation is offered in the following types of work:

- Work on the creation of a small-sized unified platform of the nanosatellite class for conducting space research, working out new design and technological solutions and a new element base with high energy and information characteristics, small dimensions and low cost for a wide class of payload;

- Work on the creation on the basis of a unified platform, a university nanosatellite, as the main tool of a laboratory workshop on the management of small spacecraft, conducting surveys of the Earth's surface, receiving and processing satellite information;

- Work on the creation of the ground infrastructure of reception stations in the leading universities of aerospace education of the European Union and the CIS with the involvement of funds and equipment of the leading Western European universities;

- Work on carrying out a space experiment to test the modular power supply unit in outer space;

- Work on conducting a space experiment to test experimental solar batteries in outer space;

- Work on the training of highly qualified specialists for the rocket and space industry at a new modern elemental base with the wide involvement of leading specialists in the rocket and space industry.

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