163 Biomedical Engineering | ХАІ
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HomeEducation163 Biomedical Engineering

163 Biomedical Engineering

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are means and methods of engineering and exact sciences for solving problems of biology and medicine: development, production, testing, operation, service maintenance, repair and examination of medical equipment, biomaterials, bioengineering systems and processes, products for medical and biological purposes; processing of biomedical information; technical and information support of medical technologies and systems, improvement of health, duration and quality of life, development, production, testing, operation, service maintenance, repair and certification of medical equipment and medical-biological products; processing of biomedical information; technical and information support of medical technologies and systems.

The purpose of training is to acquire competencies in the field of development, construction, production, operation, repair, service, examination and certification of medical and biological devices and systems, assessment of compliance with technical regulations, standards of bioprotection and biosafety of biological and medical equipment, biomedical products and biomaterials for medical purposes , artificial organs, as well as appropriate software and information technologies, training of specialists capable of solving complex tasks and problems in the field of biomedical engineering or in the learning process, which involves conducting research and/or implementing innovations and is characterized by the uncertainty of conditions and requirements.

Preparation is carried out at the Department of Radioelectronic and Biomedical Computerized Means and Technologies (Department 502)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyTerm of study
Biomedical EngineeringBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months
Biomedical Informatics and Radio ElectronicsMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time1 year and 4 months