153 Micro- and Nanosystem Technology | ХАІ
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HomeEducation153 Micro- and Nanosystem Technology

153 Micro- and Nanosystem Technology

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1392 of December 16, 2022, the specialty 153 "Micro- and Nanosystem Technology" will be called 176 "Micro- and Nanosystem Technology". Educational activity in the new specialty will begin on September 1, 2023.

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are physical processes and phenomena on which the functioning of micro- and nanosystems is based; properties of micro- and nanoelectronics materials, technological processes, principle of operation of electronic components, typical schemes of functional devices; materials and technologies for the manufacture of electronic devices, micro- and nanosystem equipment for various, including physical, solar energy and biomedical purposes; computing equipment and specialized software for parameter calculations, characteristics and modeling of micro- and nanosystem engineering products.

The purpose of training is to acquire competencies sufficient for professional activity in the field of application of materials and technologies, solving specialized complex practical and technological problems of development, design, production, installation, operation, maintenance, repair and modernization of electronic devices for physical and biomedical purposes, micro - and nanosystem technology and solar energy, which are characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

Preparation is carried out at the Department of Intelligent Measuring Systems and Quality Engineering (Department 303)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyTerm of study
Micro- and Nanosystem TechnologyBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months