134 Aerospace Engineering | ХАІ
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HomeEducation134 Aerospace Engineering

134 Aerospace Engineering

The objects of activity of the graduates of this specialty are phenomena and problems related to the stages of the life cycle of aviation and rocket and space technology.

The purpose of training is to train specialists capable of solving complex specialized and practical tasks related to the development, production and certification of aviation and rocket-space technology, its engines and power plants, structures and systems characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions and capable to solve complex tasks and problems in professional activities related to the development, production and (or) certification of aviation and rocket-space technology, its engines and power plants, structures and systems or in the process of training, which are related to conducting research and/or implementation of innovations and are characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements.

Preparation is carried out at the departments:

- Department of Aerohydrodynamics (Department 101);

- Department of Aircraft Strength (Department 102);

- Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design (Department 103);

- Department of Aircraft Production Technology (Department 104)

- Department of design information technologies (department 105)

- Department of Aircraft Engine Design (Department 203);

- Department of aircraft engine production technology (department 204);

- Department of structures and design of rocket technology (department 401);

- Department of Space Technology and Non-Traditional Energy Sources (Department 402);

- Department of Composite Structures and Aviation Materials Science (Department 403)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degree (curriculum templates)Form of studyTerm of studyCost of study

Aircraft Engines and Power Plants

Bachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months-
Intelligent Unmanned Vehicles
Design, Manufacture and Certification of AircraftBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary education 

Full-time and part-time

Rocket-Space Engineering
Design, Operational Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft Engines and Power PlantsFull-time
Aircraft Engines and Power PlantsMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time and part-time1 year and 4 months-
Design, Manufacture and Certification of Aircraft
Rocket-Space Engineering
Aircraft Engines and Power PlantsMaster's degree, educational and scientific programFull-time and part-time1 year and 9 months-
Design, Manufacture and Certification of Aircraft
Rocket-Space EngineeringFull-time
Aerospace EngineeringPhDFull-time and part-time4 years