126 Information Systems and Technologies | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAll specialties126 Information Systems and Technologies

126 Information Systems and Technologies

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are theoretical and methodological foundations and instrumental means of creating and using information systems and technologies; assessment criteria and methods of ensuring quality, reliability, fault tolerance, survivability of information systems and technologies, as well as models, methods and means of optimization and decision-making in the creation and use of information systems and technologies

The purpose of training is the formation and development of general and professional competencies in information systems and technologies that contribute to the social stability and mobility of the graduate in the labor market; obtaining a higher education for the development, implementation and research of information systems and technologies.

Preparation is carried out at the departments:

- Department of design information technologies (department 105)

- Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (302)

- Department of Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence (304)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyTerm of study
Information Systems and Technologies of Virtual EnvironmentBachelor based on full general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months
Distributed Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems

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