Iryna Kantemyr | ХАІ
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HomeEducationIryna Kantemyr

Iryna Kantemyr

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant
of the Department of Design Information Technologies
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

 Кантемир Ірина Володимирівна

Е-mail: [email protected]



She graduated with honors from the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" in 2009 at the Department of Aircraft Production Technology and received a full higher education majoring in "Aircraft and Helicopter Construction Technology".

From 2007 to 2009, she was a student of the advanced training faculty of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", received a diploma of specialist in finance.

From 2009 to 2019, she worked as an engineer at the Kharkiv State Aviation Production Enterprise.

From 2013 to 2017, she was a graduate student at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Mechanical Systems.

In 2019, she defended her candidate's thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.03.07 "processes of physical and technical processing" under the supervision of Professor Kostyuk.

Since 2019, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Design Information Technologies.

Provision of educational disciplines: 

- "Discrete mathematics and theory of algorithms",

- "Automated systems of engineering calculations",

- "Fundamentals of geometric modeling",

- "Automated design systems",

- "Special mathematical methods".


Костюк Г. И. Научные основы создания высокоэнтропийных карбидных и оксидных нанопокрытий на сверхтвердом материале Кортинит / Г. И. Костюк, И. В. Кантемир // Авиационно-космическая техника и технология : сб. науч. тр. Нац. аэрокосм. ун-та им. Н. Е. Жуковского «ХАИ». – Вып. 3 (138). – Х., 2017. – С. 77 – 85.

Костюк Г. И. Эффективность применения покрытий, нано- и высокоэнтропийных покрытий, упрочненных и наноструктурных слоев на режущем инструменте, полученных плазменно-ионной и лазерной обработкой [Текст] / Г. И. Костюк, И. В. Кантемир // Addition for proceedings XXVII international conference «New leading technologies in machine building», 3 – 8 september – Koblevo-Kharkov, 2017.- P. 4-7.

Kostyuk G. I, Kantemir I. V., Evseenkova A. V. Forecasting Removed Volume of Material During the Period of Durability, Rigidity and Performance of Treatment Depending on the Size of Grain Coated or the Basic Material of CT // Proceedings of XI international conference on science and education, Hajduszoboszio (Hungary), January 4 – 13, 2018. Khmelnitsky, 2018. P. 38-41.

Кантемир І. В. Стійкість твердосплавних різальних інструментів з наноструктурним покриттям / Міжнародна науково-практична конференція “Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering” ICTM-2019: тези доп. – Харків : Нац. аерокосм. ун-т ім. М. Є. Жуковського «Харків. авіац. ін-т», 2019. – Том 2. С. 68.

Костюк Г.И., Кантемир И.В., Фадеев В. А. Получение наноструктур при действии ионов с энергией 200 эВ – 20000 эВ и разным зарядом на твердый сплав Al2O3+ZrO2 на вероятность их получения и влияние доли циркония ZrO2 // New leading technologies in machine building: proceedings XXX International сonference, 3 – 8 september– Kharkov-Koblevo, 2020.- P. 96.

Kostyuk G., Kantemir I., Snitsar H. Methods for Producing Nanostructures and Performance of Zirconium Alloys // Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering – Synergetic Engineering (ICTM 2020). Харків : Нац. аерокосм. ун-т ім. М. Є. Жуковського «Харків. авіац. ін-т», 2020. – Том 1.

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