Yury Krashanytsia | ХАІ
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HomeEducationYury Krashanytsia

Yury Krashanytsia

Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Крашаниця Юрій Олександрович

Е-mail: [email protected]


Yuriy Krashanytsia was born on August 27, 1946 in Poltava at the address: Pershotravnevy Ave., near the stele of the city commandant Kelin, the Kotlyarevsky and Myrny house-museums. In 1954, he went to the 4th men's school, where Volodymyr Kholyavko also previously studied, later a professor, doctor of technical sciences, head of the department of aerohydrodynamics and flight dynamics of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, as well as Viktor Grinchenko, currently an academician of the National Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Hydromechanics National Academy of Ukraine.

In 1964, Krashanytsia entered the aircraft-building faculty of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. In 1970, after graduating with honors from Khai Khai, he received the qualification of a mechanical engineer, began active industrial and scientific activity in the field of creating energy support for an aerodynamic complex based on the T-6 supersonic wind tunnel as an engineer of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics and Flight Dynamics of KhAI.

In parallel, he studied at the evening department of the mechanical and mathematical faculty of Kharkiv State University named after Gorky (1970-1974), where he attended lectures and studied with prominent scientists such as professors Ahiezer, Petrenko, Marchenko, Andel. In 1972-1975, Krashanytsia was a graduate student of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics and Flight Dynamics of KhAI. In 1976, he defended his thesis on the topic "Determination of nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics of a wing of finite span with mechanization near the interface by the method of boundary integral equations" in the specialized academic council of Kyiv State University named after Shevchenko, after which he was appointed to the position of senior engineer of the VAT department of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics and Flight Dynamics of the KhAI. In 1977, he received the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. At that time, he was carrying out a complex of research works according to the plans of the sectoral state-budget research laboratory of aerodynamics, implementing the obtained results at aviation enterprises and specialized organizations of the USSR.

In 1976, he accepted an invitation to the position of assistant (1976-1977), then senior lecturer (1978-1981) at the Department of Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics of KhAI. Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics (1981-1990). Took an active part in All-Union, republican and institute scientific conferences and seminars on frontier problems of mathematical physics, mechanics of liquids and gases. At his initiative, the publication of the republican scientific collection of works "Mathematical methods of dynamic systems analysis" (1977 - 1985) was started at that time.

Krashanytsia is greatly credited with the organization and establishment of the Physical and Mathematical School of the KhAI. He was involved in the formation and creation of methodological support for the educational process, selected a team of teachers from the mathematics cycle, and personally taught and clarified the most problematic issues of general mathematics.

In 1996, Krashanytsia defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic "The method of boundary integral equations in nonlinear problems of fluid, gas and plasma mechanics." Doctor of Technical Sciences, majoring in fluid, gas and plasma mechanics (1997). He was elected as the head of the department of fundamentals of higher mathematics twice by competition (1990-1998). Since 1998, he has been a professor of this department.

For several years, he headed the "Mathematics" section of the Kharkiv regional branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1996-1999), gave a series of lectures on problematic issues of elementary mathematics, managed the organization and conduct of olympiads for gifted schoolchildren in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, conducted classes in Kharkiv schools lyceums and gymnasiums.

From 2000 to 2008, Krashanytsia was the head of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics and the scientific director of the National Scientific Property of Ukraine facility based on the T-6 supersonic wind tunnel of the National Aerospace University "KhAI". For many years of work and a significant contribution to the training of personnel for the aerospace complex of Ukraine, including those with higher qualifications, Krashanytsa was awarded the honorary title "Outstanding Education of Ukraine", performs the duties of an academic secretary and a member of the specialized Academic Council for awarding the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (2000-2019), expert of the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information on thematic area No. 14 "Problems of innovative development of transport systems" (2006). In 2000, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yuriy Krashanytsia - Head of the Department of Aerohydrodynamics, headed the scientific school "Mathematical Problems of Mechanics of Liquids and Gases". Under his leadership, students, graduate students and specialists of the department performed a large number of aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and aeroacoustic studies, which are used in existing practical tasks of the aerodynamics of aircraft and their parts, as well as in technological processes. Krashanytsia is the author of four monographs and more than 200 scientific publications, 15 educational publications, has author's certificates for inventions in the field of aerospace engineering, as well as copyrights for software products and a declaratory patent for useful

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