Perspective technologies in aircraft manufacturing | ХАІ
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Perspective technologies in aircraft manufacturing

Advances made in the manufacture of new materials with improved qualities, the creation of protection for individual parts and the structure as a whole, improve and increase the performance and operation of aircraft, making them faster, more reliable and cheaper.

The introduction of innovations in the aerospace industry improves the efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety of civil aviation. To achieve such goals, it is necessary to consider the entire cycle of building aircraft from model to direct production, and at each stage of aircraft modeling skills, find a solution to improve quality indicators.

Within the block "Perspective technologies in aircraft manufacturing" theoretical provisions and basic practical skills on the basics of modeling technological processes, the technology of manufacturing solid parts by welding and creating coatings to protect them during operation are considered.

Specialties for which the Minor is offered:

All specialties

Prerequisites (required incoming knowledge, skills):

Does not require additional knowledge and skills

List of disciplines (courses) included in the Minor:

- Theoretical bases of numerical simulation - 5th semester;

- Computer Aided Engineering of Technological Processes - 6th semester;

- Basic Methods of Additive Manufacturing - 7th semester;

- Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Aviation Parts - 8th semester.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ