Information support of aviation systems | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsInformation support of aviation systems

Information support of aviation systems

The disciplines of the minor provide knowledge and competences in various aspects of hardware, algorithmic and methodological support for the functioning of on-board and ground equipment of aviation systems, which can be generally called information support. This includes methods of protecting information, building and ensuring the functioning of on-board information networks, rules and means of organizing airport services and, accordingly, their functioning to ensure air traffic. The material is based on the use of modern international standards that regulate the functioning of this area

Specialties for which the Minor is offered:

134 «Aviation and rocket and space technics»,

272 «Aviation transport»,  

specialities of the field of knoledges 17 «Electronics, Automation and Electronic Communications»

Prerequisites (required incoming knowledge, skills):

Knowledge of the methods of building mathematical models of dynamic objects, the basics of navigation, the basics of electronics and circuitry, algorithmization and programming

List of disciplines (courses) included in the Minor:

Protection of Information in Aviation Systems - 5th semester;

On-board Networks of Aviation systems - 6th semester;

Aerodromes - 7th semester;

Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control  - 8th semester.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ