Resource support for the implementation of program | ХАІ
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Resource support for the implementation of program


Scientific and pedagogical workers, which are involved into teaching of professional-oriented disciplines, have scientific degree and/or academic rank and meet staff requirements (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision «About affirmation of the License conditions of educational activity of higher education institutions», 30 December 2015, № 1187 (with corrections made according to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision № 347, 10 May 2018).

Material and technical support:

Education is carried out in laboratories, computer classes, auditoriums and rooms of National Aerospace University “Kharkov Aviation Institute”.

It meets technological requirements for logistic support of educational activity according to actual law of Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision «About affirmation of the License conditions of educational activity of higher education institutions», 30 December 2015, № 1187 (with corrections made according to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision № 347, 10 May 2018).

Information and teaching / learning materials:

Characteristics of information and educational-methodical support:

– using of web- and mobile technologies in scientific researches;

– using of artificial intellect and machine learning in scientific researches;

– using of cloud calculations in scientific researches;

– using of virtual reality in scientific researches;

– using of intelligent and distant education.

Meets technological requirements for educational-methodical and information support of educational activity in higher education area according to actual law of Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision «About affirmation of the License conditions of educational activity of higher education institutions», 30 December 2015, № 1187 (with corrections made according to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decision № 347, 10 May 2018).

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