Characteristics of the educational program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsPower MachineryCharacteristics of the educational program

Characteristics of the educational program

Description of the subject area: 

Area of knowledge: 14 – Electrical Engineering

Specialty: 142 – Power Engineering

Object of activity: methods of numerical and experimental researches, technologies of designing and maintenance of engines, power plants and other objects of power engineering in order to solve actual problems of aerospace industry.

Objectives of study: teaching of highly qualified specialists that are able for organization of numerical and experimental researches to solve actual problems in area of power engineering.

Theoretical content of the subject area:theoretical bases of working processes, design of engines and power plants of all types; systems and accessories; criteria of estimation and methods of ensuring service life, reliability, fault tolerance, viability; application bases of development and implementation of intelligent information technologies for designing, testing, development and maintenance monitoring of engines and power plants, as a ground for the required competences acquisition.

Methods, techniques and technologies: general methods of scientific knowledge. Methods of mathematical modeling of working processes, thermal and stress-strain state, objects of power engineering quality ensuring at designing, testing, manufacturing and maintenance. Methods of scientific researches and pedagogical activity organization.

Tools and equipment:computers, packaged applications for analysis of working processes, thermal and strain-stress state, experimental equipment, laboratory test equipment, mockups of engines and aggregates

Orientation of the educational and scientific program:

Teaching of philosophy doctors on power engineering

Main focus of the educational and scientific program (specialization):

Teaching of philosophy doctors, which involves studying of the bases of scientific-research work in area of electrical engineering, and competences acquisition for modern models, methods, algorithms, information technologies, processes and methods of designing and experimental researching of engines, power plants and other objects of power engineering, which are able for independent scientific-research, scientific-organizational and practical activity in the above-mentioned area, and educational activity in higher education institutions.

Features of educational and scientific program:

The program ensures studying of theoretical bases of aerospace engines and power plants, acquisition of corresponding knowledge and competences in classical and modern advances in designing, manufacturing and maintenance of the objects of power engineering, deep knowledge in models , methods and algorithms of numerical analysis for designing and development of engines and power plants, and technology of testing, manufacturing and maintenance. Specialists are prepared, which are able for application of the acquired knowledge in mathematical bases, principles of gas-dynamic and loading processes modelling, algorithmic principles in designing, development of engineering systems; for comparative analysis of design of engines, power plants and their systems. Skills are improved for using modern application software packages, structural and object-oriented approaches to individual creative activity and decision support system.  

Scientific and pedagogical school has been established in National Aerospace University “KhAI”, highly-qualified scientific and pedagogical personal has been prepared for the educational-scientific program implementation for philosophy doctors teaching in aerospace area.

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