Academic mobility | ХАІ
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Academic mobility

National Credit Mobility:

It is based on two-side contracts between National Aerospace University “KhAI” and companies of Ukraine:

State Design Bureau «Southern» named after Academician M.K. Yangel (Contract № 4/1, 11 June 2020);

Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau Progress State Enterprise named after Academician A.G. Ivchenko (Contract № 2/1, 31 August 2015);

Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex Zorya-Mashproekt (№ 2/6, 29 March 2016);

Stock Company «Motor Sich» (№ 247212–Д (УПП), 31 January 2016);

JSC “Ukrainian Energy Machines” (Turboatom) (№ 2/10, 27 September 2017);

SE «Antonov» (№ 1/2, 1 August 2018);

SC «FED» (№ 2/8, 11 January 2016);

SE Kharkov Machine-Building Enterprise «FED» (№ 2/7, 19 February 2016).

International Credit Mobility:

It is based on two-side agreements between National Aerospace University “KhAI” and educational institutions of countries-partners:

University Trento (Italy), Program of mobility Erasmus +;

Kharbin Polytechnic University, International Summer School «China Discovery Program»;

International Summer School in Beijing University of Aviation and Astronautics (BUAA), Beijing, China;

International Summer School for Teachers in Nanjing University of Aviation and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China;

Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang, China;

Short-term internship for teachers;

Scholarship programs of German Service for Academic Exchanges  DAAD;

internship of scientific workers and teachers, exchange of applicants, scientific collaboration;

Istanbul Technical University,

Nanchang Hangkong University

Teaching of foreign applicants for higher education:

Education of foreign students if carried out using State language or English. If the education is carried out in State language then in some cases the decision may be made about delivering of one or more disciplines by foreign languages, with ensuring knowledge of the corresponding discipline in the State language

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