Graduate competencies | ХАІ
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Graduate competencies

Integral competence:

Ability to solve complex problems in the field of professional activity, including research and innovation ones, in the field of aviationand spacecraft technologies, which involves a deep rethinking of existing and the creation of new holistic knowledge and/or professional practice

General competencies (GC):

GC1 ‑Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.

GC2 ‑ Ability to master teaching methods in certain disciplines of the specialty

GC3 ‑Ability to generate new ideas of the educational process (creativity).

GC4 ‑ Ability to analyze, verify, evaluate the completeness of information in the course of research activities, if necessary, to supplement and synthesize missing information and work in conditions of uncertainty.

GC5 ‑ the ability to conduct research activities, in international environment.

GC6 ‑Ability to communicate in a foreign language.

GC7 ‑Ability to perform original research, to achieve scientific results that create new knowledge in the specialty and related areas in related fields.

GC8 ‑ Ability to orally and in writing present and discuss the results of research and/or innovative developments in Ukrainian and English, a deep understanding of English-language scientific texts in the field of research.

GC9 ‑ Ability to apply modern knowledge of computer science methods, information technology and specialized software in scientific and educational activities.

GC10 ‑ Ability to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher education, in particular to teach special disciplines in the process of training specialists in the specialty.

GC11 ‑ Ability to search, process and analyze information in a foreign language from various sources for its use in teaching and research.

GC12 ‑ Ability to develop and manage projects and work in an international context

GC13 ‑ Ability to search, process and analyze the system of interrelation of generalized statistical indicators and apply their methods to the calculation in a particular economic situation

GC14 ‑ Have a quality and ethical commitment and knowledge of the standards and type of thinking required for teaching, research and publication, including critical awareness and intellectual honesty (integrity)

GC15 ‑Know the main directions and issues of modern philosophy

GC16 Have the critical and self-critical skills, the ability to review publications and presentations, participate in international scientific discussions, arguing and defending own position.

Professional competencies (PC):

PC1 ‑ Ability to develop fundamental models and new methods of design and creation of aviationand spacecraft technologies.

PC2 ‑ Ability to analyze data and evaluate the necessary knowledge to solve problems of improving the reliability, functional safety, survivability of aviation and spacecraft technologies using modern mathematical methods, including artificial intelligence, computer modeling, etc.

PC3 ‑Ability to communicate in foreign languages with representatives of various fields of knowledge and areas of activity in order to clarify their needs in creating aviation and spacecraft technologies.

PC4 ‑Ability to analyze bibliographic sources in accordance with scientific research: to be able to search and comparative analysis of bibliographic sources in accordance with the goal, to determine the incompleteness of available scientific and technical information.

PC5 ‑Ability to present scientific results: know the standards and requirements for scientific and technical texts in the field of aviation and spacecraft technologies, be able to cite bibliographic sources, understand the requirements for academic integrity.

PC6 ‑ Ability to apply and develop fundamental and interdisciplinary knowledge, including mathematical and scientific principles, algorithm theory, optimization problems, numerical methods, tools and notations for successful problem solving.

PC7 ‑Ability to apply the basic methods of higher mathematics and their theoretical foundations.

PC8 ‑Ability to apply and develop knowledge and ways to improve domestic statistics in accordance with international standards.

PC9 ‑ The ability to plan their own research and on its basis to contribute to the development of modern philosophical thought.

PC10 ‑ Ability to present the results of their own research in a foreign language and prepare materials on relevant scientific issues for the media, publish them in the press or on a website.

PC11 –To know the essence of the process of teaching, education and training in the Free Economic Zone.

PC12 ‑To know the main directions, principles, methods and forms of education in the higher education institutions.

PC13 ‑To know the principles of forming the content of education and training.

PC14 ‑To know the approaches to assessing learning outcomes.

PC15 ‑To know pedagogical technologies in education and science.

PC16 ‑To know the features of the department organization (work plans, documentation, topics of scientific and methodological seminars, facilities, etc.).

PC17 ‑To know the content of curricula, calendar and thematic plans of certain professional disciplines, areas of research work of the department.

PC18 ‑To know the features of the educational and methodical base of the educational unit, the state of providing students with educational and methodical literature and the requirements for equipment and design of classrooms, laboratories, classrooms.

PC19 ‑To know the features of the organization and conduct of meetings of departments, scientific and methodological seminars and features of the methodology of lectures, laboratory, practical classes.

PC20 ‑ The ability to present the content of basic modern philosophical ideas. 

PC21 ‑To know the practical value of certain philosophical positions and identify the foundations on which the philosophical concept or system is built

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