Characteristics of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsAerospace EngineeringCharacteristics of the educational and scientific program

Characteristics of the educational and scientific program

Description of the subject area: 

Object of activity: principles, criteria, models, methods and technologies of design, creation and effective application of aviation and spacecraft technologies in order to solve current scientific and applied problems using the methods of information technology.

Objectives of study: training of specialists in aviation and spacecraft technologies, able to solve complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation in the field of mechanical engineering, which involves a deep rethinking of existing and creation of new holistic knowledge and/or professional practice.

Theoretical content of the subject area: basic and applied research, development and implementation of theories and technologies inaviation and spacecraft, the possibility of their use for practical purposes, as a basis for the acquisition of relevant competencies by the graduate.

Methods, techniques and technologies: The candidate of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must master the methods, techniques and technologies of scientific research, teaching, team management in solving problems of design of aviation and spacecraft items, creation, research, optimization and maintenance of similar objects by methods, methodologies, techniques and approaches of allied industries.

Tools and equipment: the applicant must be able to use information technologies and computer, control and measuring devices, hardware, software and hardware, communication and network technologies, etc.

Orientation of the educational and scientific program:

Educational and scientific program for training of Doctors of Philosophy in aviation and spacecrafttechnologies

Main focus of the educational and scientific program (specialization):

Modern models, methods, algorithms, information technologies, processes and methods of obtaining, presenting, processing, analyzing, transmitting, storing data in aviationand spacecraft technologiesin order to systematize and manage complex objects and processes in production and economy

Features of educational and scientific program:

The program provides the study of the basics of scientific and research work by methods and technologies used inaircraftand spacecraft, the acquisition of relevant knowledge and competencies, taking into account the latest advances in mechanical engineering, deep knowledge of modern models, methods and algorithms

The exclusivity of the program is associated with complex objects of the aerospace industry (aerospace technology, production, business process management) for which it is necessary to collect, store, process information and manage in real time. These objects are critical objects of the national economy, have a dual purpose and have high requirements for information protection. Therefore, management processes are associated with intelligent information processing technologies, recognition of complex situations and real-time decision-making.

The scientific and pedagogical school has been established in the National Aerospace University "KHAI" and trained highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff to implement the educational and scientific program for training theDoctors of Philosophy with the peculiarities of the use of information technologies in the aerospace industry

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