Academic mobility | ХАІ
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Academic mobility

National Credit Mobility:

Based on bilateral agreements between the National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» and higher education institutions of Ukraine (the "ANTONOV" Company (Agreement No. ½ from 01.08.2018); Kharkiv State Aircraft Manufacturing Company (Agreement No.RD5-17 from 30.08.2017); Motor Sich Joint-Stock Company (Agreement No.11066/18-D (ITC) dated July 10, 2018); ДП "ХАРКІВСЬКЕ АГРЕГАТНЕ КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКЕ БЮРО" (SE Kharkiv Assembly Production Design Bureau)(Agreement No. 1/1 dated November 9, 2015); SE Chuguyevskiy Aviation Repair Factory (Agreement No. 1/23 dated 12.03.2017); Osnova-2000 LLC(Agreement No. 1/29 dated 06.02.2018); "RC ACT", LLC(Agreement No. 1/35 dated 06.06.2018); Zaporizhzhia Machine-Building Design Bureau Progress State Enterprise named after academician O.H.Ivchenko(Agreement No. 2/1 dated 31.08.2015), Kharkiv Machinery Plant FED (Agreement No. 2/7 dated 19.02.2016); "FED" JSC (Agreement No. 2/8 dated 11.01.2016); PE Akron-Vostok(Agreement No. 1/18 dated 23.06.2016); SE "Odessa Aviation Plant" (Agreement No. 3/38 dated 21.06.2016); SE "YuzhnoyeDesign Bureau"(Agreement No. 4/1 from 11.06.2020); State Enterprise "State Kyiv Design Bureau" Luch"(Agreement No. 4/4 dated April 14, 2016); Progresstech‑Ukraine LLC (Agreement No. 4/15 dated January 12, 2017); "Flight Design Ukraine"LLC, Kherson (Agreement No. 4/23 dated 15.05.2017); State Enterprise Konotop Aircraft Repair Plant Aviakon (SE Aviakon)"(Agreement No. RU2-16 from 12.04.2016).

International Credit Mobility:

Based on bilateral agreements between the National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» and educational institutions of partner countries: University of Trento (Italy), Mobility program. Erasmus +; Harbin Polytechnic University, China Discovery Program International Summer School; International Summer School at Peking University of Aviation and Aeronautics (BUAA), Beijing, China; International Summer School for Teachers at Nanjing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China; Short-term internships for teachers; Scholarship programs of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD; Lund University (Sweden) Internship for teachers; Istanbul Technical University Nanchang Hangkong University; Academic mobility with Magdeburg Technical University by Otto von Guericke;Czech Technical University in Prague, NikolaŠohaj Scholarship Program (1 semester)

Teaching of foreign applicants for higher education:

Education of foreign citizens is carried out in the state or English language. If education is conducted in the state language, then in certain cases it may be decided to teach one or more subjects in English and/or other foreign languages.

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