Summary, structure and components of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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Summary, structure and components
of the educational and scientific program
"Satellites, Engines and Power Plants" 

Starting from the second half of the 20th century, rocket and space propulsion is one of the most advanced industries in the world. Modern rocket engines and power plants are the only means of space penetration available to humans. An integral element of any space vehicle is the power plant, which includes on-board systems and spaces that ensure the generation, transformation, storage and distribution of electricity for the functioning of all systems on board the aircraft.

Basic training with advanced knowledge of the English language in specialization:

- electric rocket engines (with extended training on liquid rocket engines);

- power installations of space aircraft (with expansion of training from microsatellites and power supply of vehicles);

- ion-plasma technologies based on plasma accelerators.

Students study:

- ion-plasma rocket engines;

- power plants of satellites and aircraft;

- electric rocket engines;

- liquid rocket engines;

- solid rocket engines;

- conversion use of liquid and ion-plasma rocket engines.

Students perform course and diploma projects using 3D modeling, and master the software.

In order to carry out scientific and research works corresponding to the educational specialty, the department operates the Inter-branch Scientific and Technical Center of Space Energy and Engines.

At the disposal of the students at the department there is a modern language classroom, a video classroom, methodical classrooms equipped with modern computers.

Knowledge of computer design technologies, supplemented by in-depth knowledge of the object of design, allows specialists to be in demand in any design office, research institute, and industrial enterprise.

International cooperation between scientists and engineers of different countries is impossible without knowledge of foreign languages, which is especially characteristic of the rocket and space industry, which is becoming more and more international in nature. It is possible to solve these problems by studying the specialization "Scientific and technical translation".

A foreign language is studied during the entire period of study using modern methods and modern linguistic equipment.

Successful students can study according to individual plans under the guidance of leading teachers.

Students specializing in scientific and technical translation can study abroad. The university has student exchange agreements with Great Britain, USA, Germany, Japan, and Italy. The department leads international projects TEMPUS-TASIS, Erasmus-Mundus.

The level of training of our graduates allows them to work successfully in any area of industrial production and in the field of small business.

Profile places of distribution of graduates:

DCB "Pivdenne" (city of Dnipro),

VO "Southern Machine-Building Plant" (Dnipro),

Transport Equipment Plant (Kharkov),

JSC "Hartron" (Kharkov),

JSC "Motorny Zavod" (Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Region),

"Arsenal" plant (Kyiv),

Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems (Kharkov),

State enterprise "Malyshev Plant" (Kharkov).


Guarantor of educational program:

Безручко Костянтин Васильович

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Space Engineering and Non-Traditional Energy Sources

Kostiantyn Bezruchko



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