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Summary, structure and components
of the educational and professional program
"Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft" 

What do we teach and on what equipment?

- principles of automatic control of moving objects (airplanes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles);

- mathematical and computer modeling of aircraft movement;

- modern computer tools for traffic control.

In the avionics laboratory (basic in this specialty) students can make and test a model of an unmanned aerial vehicle, as well as conduct research on unique equipment.

The bachelor can hold the position: developer of control systems software, developer of computer control systems equipment, circuit engineer for control and maintenance of computerized control systems.

The graduate qualifies as a research engineer in navigation and control systems.

Guarantor of educational program:

Кулік Анатолій Степанович

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems

Anatolii Kulik

[email protected]


2023 set

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ