Characteristics of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAircraft Engines and Power PlantsCharacteristics of the educational and scientific program

Characteristics of the educational and professional program

Description of the subject area: 

Object of activity: The object of study is the design of aircraft gas turbine and reciprocating engines, working processes, theoretical foundations and engineering methods of calculation of aircraft engines, units and systems that ensure engine operation, loads acting in parts, calculations on structural strength , rigidity, stability, endurance, oscillations and service life of parts as the basis of their trouble-free operation within the specified operating time, control and diagnostic systems of engines, construction materials used in engines.

Objectives of study: formation of higher education students with a set of knowledge, skills and abilities for use in professional activities in the field of aircraft engine: solving and generalizing practical problems in their professional activities using fundamental and special applied methods of design, construction, calculation of aircraft engines and their systems.

Theoretical content of the subject area:design of aircraft engines of all types; requirements for engines for various purposes; design of engine components and systems and parts; modern models, methods and algorithms, processes occurring in engines; methods of systematization and decision-making in the management of complex systems and objects.

Methods, techniques and technologies: Mathematical models, methods and algorithms for solving theoretical and applied problems that arise in the development of engines; static and dynamic loads acting on the elements of the engine and the aircraft; modern application packages for engine design and calculations; the procedure for designing an aircraft engine and its tests; technologies and methods of production, quality assurance.

Tools and equipment: application packages for engine design and calculations, technical training aids, laboratory installations, split models of engines and units.

Orientation of the educational and professional program:

Educational and professional bachelor's program

Main focus of the educational and professional program (specialization):

Modern models, processes occurring in engines, methods and algorithms of calculations; methods of systematization and decision-making in the management of complex systems and objects.

Features of educational and professional program:

The program provides study of the theoretical foundations of aircraft engine construction, acquisition of relevant knowledge and competencies in classical and modern achievements in the field of design and production of aircraft engines, in-depth knowledge of models, methods and algorithms of calculations related to design and development of aircraft engines. their production. Specialists are trained who are able to apply the acquired knowledge of mathematical foundations, principles of modeling of gas-dynamic and strength processes, algorithmic principles in design, development of technical systems, perform comparative analysis of engine designs and their systems. The ability to use modern application packages, structural and object-oriented approaches to independent creative work and a system of expert decision support are developed

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