134 Aerospace Engineering | ХАІ
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Templates of training plans for the specialty:
134 "Aerospace Engineering" (set of 2022)

Blocks of disciplines





Professional component (by specialty)

Design, testing and certification of aerospace facilities

(6 credits)

Modeling and calculation of processes in aerospace engineering

(6 credits)

The structure of the aircraft industry enterprise. Basics of production management

(5 credits)


Systems of technical training for production of aerospace equipment

(5 credits)


Composite structures in aerospace engineering

(5 credits)

Disciplines of individual choice

Problems of human safety in production and everyday life

(4 credits)

Issues of intellectual property and scientific and engineering developments

(4 credits)

Undergraduate course

(11 credits) 

Foreign language by professional direction

(4 credits)


Practical training

(8 credits)




Qualification work

(10 credits)

Total credits22,020,026,0