The Department of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsHumanities and Law FacultyDepartmentsThe Department of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation

Department of Physical Education, Sports and Rehabilitation
of the Humanities and Law Faculty
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Physical education at the university is considered as the most important component of student education, formation of physical and psychological health, preparation for further professional activity. The main academic discipline of the department is "Physical Education" with full-time students of all faculties of the university.

The educational process is organized taking into account the wishes of the students, their physical and functional readiness. Students practice in specialized groups for selected sports. Classes are held in equipped halls, an athletic arena, a swimming pool and an open stadium.

The high quality of the educational process is achieved due to the implementation of the latest achievements in the field of physical culture and sports development, and the wide application of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

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