Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
of the Humanities and Law Faculty
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

At the time when Ukraine asserted itself in the world cooperation of independent and equal states, the department's scientific research was directed to the search for new ways of solving issues that arose in all spheres of social life. Based on the polyphony of scientific research methods and the pluralism of ideologies, the teachers of the department begin to look for new approaches to solving the current problems of philosophical discourse, research the social and methodological foundations of the existence of man and society, information and communication processes and connections. Special attention is paid to the problem of the identity of the social subject in the information society, which is constantly transforming. As a result of research work at the department, new scientific directions are crystallized and international connections are expanding.

Gradually, the main topics of research are formed in the scientific work of the department, which later became the foundation of the general research work on the topic "Philosophy of the identity of the social subject".

Every year, laboratory employees carry out research work

In 2022, laboratory employees performed two scientific research works within the second half of the teachers' working hours.

One of the areas of work in 2022 was the implementation of two topics within the second half of the teachers' working hours.

In the direction of "Axiosphere in the cultural and communicative dynamics of modern society" the teachers conducted an in-depth analysis of the morphological state of the modern axiosphere thanks to a systemic structural approach to the view of this phenomenon; actual philosophical methods, hermeneutic and phenomenological, are implemented when identifying various manifestations and states of the modern axiosphere in its functional and role dynamics; the priority directions in the scientific and theoretical interpretation became the factors of the socio-cultural direction of modernity, the status of a person in the global conditions of modern society, the analysis of literary sources in relation to the determined directions of research was continued.

According to the direction "Ethos: forms of presence", the peculiarities of the forms of ethos of modernity were outlined, the characteristics of the ethnic map of modern social reality both in the world and in Ukraine were given, an analysis of the forms of the presence of ethos in various forms of social consciousness was carried out (the genesis of Ukrainian self-awareness and the genesis of the ethos of science and engineering ).

The following were carried out on the basis of the laboratory:

- Interuniversity city scientific and practical round table "Philosophical problems of understanding outer space", dedicated to the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics (International Day of Human Flight into Space), in which the teachers of the department took part;

- jointly with the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" held the Interuniversity city scientific and practical seminar "Philosophy in the axiosphere of the globalizing society", dedicated to the World Day of Philosophy and the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhoriy Skovoroda, which was attended by teachers of the department and students of education;

- together with the National Technical University "KhPI" organized the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philosophy in the Modern World". Philosophical readings dedicated to the World Day of Philosophy, where teachers and graduate students of our department took part;

- this year the teachers of the department joined the work of the "Philosophy" section of the public organization "Ukrainian Association of Social Scientists and Teachers".

According to the research materials, in 2022, 6 articles, 20 abstracts of lecturers' reports and 30 abstracts of reports of students of education under the guidance of teachers were published.

Axiosphere in cultural and communicative dynamics of modern society. (No. D/R 0121U109606, scientific supervisor, Dr. Philos. Sciences, Prof. Protsenko)

Scientific result: the teachers of the department conducted a study of the structural components of the problem, namely, its value components from the side of social and individual consciousness, their manifestations in modern cultural and communicative practices, analyzed the influence of the value resource on the regulation of social relations from the side of their arrangement, harmonization and self-improvement of a person. Attention was focused on ideological, moral-legal, religious discursiveness, as well as on scientific, technical and technological dimensions with a priority in the aerospace direction, their impact on human life in historical and modern contexts.

Thanks to the conducted research based on the systematization of factual material and field research, a morphological outline of the modern axiosphere of society is proposed, the activity-existential vector of the human condition in its cultural-communicative practices is presented, as appropriate elements in the value-evaluative hierarchy of the socio-cultural dynamics of modern society.

Significance: the problem field has been significantly enriched and the thematic variety has been expanded in the teaching of lecture courses and practical classes related to the professional direction of education seekers of various levels of education thanks to the development and implementation of relevant methodical tools, widespread connections of teachers with representatives of the scientific and educational community of higher schools with the aim of exchange of results of scientific and practical activities.

Based on research materials, 6 articles, 13 abstracts of lecturers' reports, 20 abstracts of student reports under the teacher's guidance were published in 2022.

Ethos: forms of presence. (D/R No. 0121U109089, scientific director, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Prof. Kuznetsov)

Scientific result: the peculiarities of the forms of modern ethos were outlined, the characteristics of the ethnic map of modern social reality both in the world and in Ukraine were given, and the forms of the presence of ethos in various forms of social consciousness were analyzed (the genesis of Ukrainian self-awareness and the genesis of the ethos of science and engineering).

The significance lies in expanding the research space of the presence of the ethos of Ukrainian self-awareness, as well as the ethos of science and engineering.

In 2022, based on the prepared materials, 6 theses of teachers with post-graduate students of the department, 10 abstracts of student reports under the guidance of the teacher were printed.