Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences | ХАІ
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Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
of the Humanities and Law Faculty
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The history of the department begins with the formation of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute in the 1930s. Since 1991, the department has had a post-graduate course, 17 of whose graduates have defended theses for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Also, 4 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences were written and defended by the employees of the department.

The main goal of the department's activities is the formation of students' critical thinking, a general cultural outlook, the ability to understand the scientific, political and humanitarian challenges of today, the ability to forecast the development of social processes.

The department provides general teaching for students of all majors in the discipline "Philosophy" and a number of variable humanities courses for bachelors, masters and postgraduate students.

Students are offered a choice of:

"Logic and basics of argumentation",

"Fundamentals of logical analysis and public speaking",

"Ethics of business communication",

"Comparative analysis of world religions",

"Philosophy of natural science",

"Democracy: from theory to practice" etc.

Currently, there are 7 teachers working at the department, 6 of whom have a scientific degree (1 doctor, 5 candidates of philosophical sciences), 4 teachers have the academic title of associate professor.

The research work is carried out on the topic "Philosophy of the identity of a social subject".

Under the guidance of teachers, students take part in scientific conferences, write scientific papers and abstracts of reports.

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