History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Descriptive Geometry
and Computer Modeling
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

"If drawing is the language of technology,
equally understandable to all peoples,
then descriptive geometry serves
as the grammar of this universal language,
as it teaches us to read others correctly
and express our own thoughts on it,
using single lines and dots as words,
as elements of any image"

Valerian Kurdyumov (1853−1904)


In 1930, by order of the rector of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, the department of graphic geometry and machine-building drawing was created. The first head of the department was Dmytro Kostyuk.

From 1945 to 1952, the head of the department was Oleksandr Sholomov. The department was equipped with teaching aids, parts, assembly units, models and drawings for individual tasks. With the necessary volume of tasks and high requirements for the quality of work, excellent training of students was ensured.

Oleksandr Sholomov

From 1952 to 1975, the department was headed by Professor Yakiv Neviazhskyi. During this period, creative ties were established with such Kharkiv factories as "KhTZ", "Hammer and Sickle", "Mehanolit" and others. The auditoriums of the department were equipped with drafting devices, assembly units — aviation units and aggregates.

Yakov Nevyazskyi

From 1975 to 1987, the department was headed by Professor Mykola Chernetskyi. During this period, elements of analytical geometry and computer graphics are added to the department's classical training courses, scientific activity in the areas of sketchy geometry of multidimensional space and geometric modeling of complex technical surfaces in aircraft engine construction is actively developing. Under the guidance of Professor Chernetskyi, Kadriy Safiulin, Yuriy Tormosov and the current head of the department Andriy Chernyavskyi defended their candidate theses in the specialty "Applied geometry, engineering graphics".

Mykola Chernetskyi

From 1987 to 2007, the department was headed by Professor Viktor Kyryushko. At the department, computer graphics, geometric modeling and automation of design work courses were actively introduced into the educational process.

Viktor Kyryushko

From 2007 to 2017, the department was headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Oleksandr Sidachenko. In that period, the material, technical and software support of the department was significantly strengthened. The department becomes the base for holding the second stages of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in sketch geometry and geometric modeling.

Oleksandr Sidachenko

Since October 2017, the department of descriptive geometry and computer modeling (406) has been headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Andrii Chernyavskyi.

Andrii Chernyavskyi

Today, the department carries out educational activities in the field of fundamental initial engineering training for the formation of geometric and graphic competences of future specialists in the aviation, rocket-space and other industries in the modeling of products using modern systems of automated design, provides high-quality training of future specialists in engineering graphics, sketch geometry, computer computer graphics and geometric modeling. Undergraduate students of almost all basic specialties of the university study at the department.

Students study modern automated design systems, namely Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, KOMPAS, BricsCAD, and applied graphic packages. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to the basic geometric training of future engineers, without which effective mastering of the principles and means of modern information technologies of design is impossible.

In engineering and computer graphics classes

In the educational process of the department, multimedia technologies are intensively used to demonstrate lecture material, perform laboratory work in graphic systems, and solve problems. This contributes to the development of creative abilities to perceive the spatial forms of real-world objects with the help of their graphic images with the subsequent solution of problems of form formation, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in the creation and use of design, software and other documentation, including with the help of a computer and computer technologies.

Final conference based on the results of the first-year students' educational practice. The head is Muradyan

According to today's requirements, university engineering education is the training of students in graphic disciplines on modern equipment with the use of advanced computer graphics software packages. For this purpose, the department closely cooperates with companies — developers and distributors of graphic automated design systems, such as Autodesk, IT-SAPR, SabitCo, and others.

Report at the final conference

For its part, in-depth work with information graphic systems necessitated the constant improvement of the qualifications of the department's teachers, which contributes to the mastering of advanced trends in modern design and their implementation in the educational process of the department.

Taking into account the integration processes in modern education, since 2003 the department was one of the first in Ukraine to teach courses in sketch geometry, engineering graphics, geometric and computer modeling in English.

In the field of introduction of computer technologies and automated design systems into the educational process, the department is one of the leaders among similar departments of other universities of Ukraine. According to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, since 2011, the second rounds of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in sketch geometry and computer modeling have been held on the basis of the department. More than fifty students from various universities of the country are competing for victory in the drawing geometry and computer modeling contests. In addition to developers and distributors of automated design systems, the official partners of the Olympiad are the engineering company Progressech-Ukraine, which is one of the top three engineering and design centers of Ukraine, and the production company AvtoEnterprise Ukraine, which designs and manufactures chargers for electric vehicles, which are used in many countries of the world.

All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad. Geometric modeling competition

All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad. Sketch geometry competition

On more than one occasion, students of KHAI won prizes at all-Ukrainian student Olympiads, including the following:

The 1st place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2014-2015 (section "Geometric modeling on PC") was won by P. Mykalyuk, the leader is senior teacher Tigran Kostiantynovych Muradyan;

1st place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2017−2018 (section "Engineering and Computer Graphics") — D. Yastrebov, supervisor — art. off Tigran Kostyantynovich Muradyan of the department;

2nd place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad 2018−2019 (section "Geometric modeling on a personal computer") — A. Sinkovskyi, supervisor — senior teacher Nataliya Viktorivna Perekhrest.

3rd place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2018−2019 (Section "Sketch Geometry") - D. Fedchenko, supervisor - senior teacher Zinaida Oleksiivna Pogorelova.

Students' mastering of modern CAD systems in combination with basic geometric training from the first year of study contributes to the faster acquisition of design skills and work with design documentation, which makes it possible to involve students as early as possible in an in-depth study of systems of a more specialized level for the design of assemblies and aggregates in accordance with the chosen specialty.

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