Department of Descriptive Geometry and Computer Modeling | ХАІ
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Department of Descriptive Geometry and Computer Modeling
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" is the only specialized higher educational institution in Ukraine of the IV level of accreditation, which comprehensively prepares personnel for the design and production of all types of aircraft, aircraft and rocket engines, power equipment and equipment. On the global labor market, there is always a significant demand for specialists in the rocket and space industry, where Ukraine is one of the leaders. The knowledge and skills of our graduates put them in leading positions in rocket and space engineering, and the acquired culture of engineering training gives them the opportunity to work in any field of modern mechanical engineering. The Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering of KhAI is training specialists for the rocket and space industry of Ukraine. It occupies a unique place among the faculties of other higher educational institutions of Ukraine, being the only faculty that presents all specialties related to the development, creation and exploitation of rocket and space technology. Our department is part of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering of KhAI.

The department was created in 1930 by order of the rector of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. In 2010, the department was renamed from the Department of Graphic Computer Modeling to the Department of Graphic Geometry and Computer Modeling (406).

The department carries out significant work on the training of specialists in aviation, rocketry and space and other branches of the national economy, carries out research work on the orders of enterprises and organizations. To improve the quality and volume of teaching of its courses, the department intensively uses multimedia technologies: demonstration of lecture material, problem solving and work in graphic systems. The educational process of the department uses achievements in the field of computer modeling of objects and the latest versions of software products, such as AutoCAD, Compass, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, which allows students to easily adapt to the use of higher-level graphic systems (Siemens NX, CATIA and others). The department supports and develops scientific and creative relations with national and foreign institutions and organizations. The teachers of the department take an active part in the work of international, all-Ukrainian and city scientific conferences. Olympiads in sketch geometry and computer modeling are held annually at the department. The department has a large educational and laboratory base at its disposal to instill in students the necessary professional skills.

The excellent quality of education is ensured primarily due to the high level of teaching. The training is conducted by teachers engaged in scientific and technical research in the areas taught by them, and they willingly share their knowledge. Our main task is not only the training of specialists of a high professional level, but also the implementation of scientific works at the world level, as well as the continuous development of methodological support and the laboratory base of the department using the latest achievements of science and technology.

The Department of Descriptive Geometry and Computer Modeling conducts educational activities in the field of fundamental engineering training of future specialists in aviation, rocketry, space and other fields of mechanical engineering in geometric and graphic modeling of mechanical systems using modern automated design tools, such as AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, Compass, BricsCAD, etc.

Multimedia technologies are intensively used to demonstrate lecture material, perform laboratory work in graphic systems, and solve practical problems.

The use of achievements in the field of geometric computer modeling of objects and modern versions of software products allow students to easily adapt to graphic systems of any high level in the future.

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