Professorial and teaching staff | ХАІ
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Professorial and teaching staff
of the Department of Composite Structures
and Aviation Materials Science
of the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Тараненко Ігор Михайлович

Igor Taranenko


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail: [email protected] 


Биков Роман Олександрович

Roman Bykov

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25



Вамболь Олексій Олександрович

Oleksii Vambol

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Гагауз Федір Миронович

Fedir Gagauz

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Івановська Ольга Володимирівна

Olga Ivanovska

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Кривенда Сергій Петрович

Serhii Kryvenda

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Попова Олена Георгіївна

Olena Popova

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Пургіна Світлана Михайлівна

Svitlana Purhina

Associate Professor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


Остапчук Валентина Віталіївна

Valentyna Ostapchuk

Senior Lecturer


Phone: +38 (057) 788-42-25

E-mail[email protected] 


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