Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Rocket and Space Engineering

Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Today, the Faculty of Rocket and Space Engineering of KhAI is:

- the only faculty of Ukraine and one of the few in the world that trains competitive specialists capable of creating state-of-the-art rocket and space complexes;

- teaching professionally oriented disciplines in English;

- state-of-the-art powerful computing centers and networks with free Internet access via Wi-Fi in the university and dormitories;

- direct communication with the satellites of the European universities-partners;

- study of current computer-integrated technologies for designing and modeling objects of rocket and space technology, microprocessor technology, modern object-oriented programming technologies, etc.;

- conducting real experiments in forty educational and research laboratories capable of creating the conditions of open space and the depths of the world ocean;

- cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific and technical enterprises;

- European student mobility programs (DAAD, Erasmus+ and others) with funded annual internships for twenty students and postgraduates at the expense of the European Union;

- three-level training of specialists: bachelor's, master's, PhD.

The faculty was founded on November 5, 1979, currently the teaching staff consists of 111 employees who conduct study pairs in 79 groups of students in 46 classrooms.


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