Department of Computer Systems, Networks and Cyber Security | ХАІ
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Department of Computer Systems,
Networks and Cyber Security
of the Faculty of Radioelectronics, Computer
Systems and Infocommunications
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Computer Systems, Networks and Cyber Security was founded in 1962 and produces IT specialists in software, network (cloud, IoT) and security technologies. The department conducts training in the following areas and specializations:

- Computer engineering, on the basis of which, after receiving a bachelor's degree, you can get specializations: system programming, computer systems and networks, software mobile systems and the Internet of Things;

- Cyber security, on the basis of which you can get specializations: security of information and communication systems and cyber security of industrial systems.

The department occupies a leading position in Ukraine in the training of IT specialists thanks to:

- active participation in international educational and scientific and technological projects under European programs (ERASMUS+, FP7, Horizon2020);

- fruitful long-term cooperation with leading IT companies of Ukraine and the world (Epam, SoftServe, Sigma, GlobalLogic, Samsung R&D InstituteUkraine, etc.);

- a modern educational and research base (10 specialized laboratories, research and industrial centers);

- successful employment and professional achievements of graduates;

- one of the highest ratings of teachers in terms of the number and quality of scientific publications and received patents among the IT departments of Kharkiv and Ukraine;

- with more than ten years of teaching experience in English for bachelors, masters and postgraduates.

The department provides successful employment for a prestigious, highly paid job in the dynamically growing IT industry in Ukraine and abroad. Students work in parallel with and after their studies in the following professions:

- programmer (C, C++, C#, Python, Java)

- web developer (webdeveloper)

- database developer (DB developer)

- specialist in cloud technologies (cloudengineer)

- game developer (gameanalyst/designer)

- testing engineer and QA manager (QA engineer)

- system IT engineer (DevOpsengineer)

- developer of embedded systems and the Internet of Things (embedded & IoTdeveloper)

- augmented and virtual reality developer (AR/VR developer)

- IT security specialist

- system administrator and social network administrator (Sysadmin, SMM manager)

If you want to become a successful specialist - go to IT!

If you want to be happy, apply to Khai!

Do you want to become successful and happy - study at the department of computer systems, networks and cyber security!

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