Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific Activity
of the Department of Software Engineering
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Research and research work (R&D) is aimed and organized by department No. 603 - software engineering, mainly for the development, improvement and quality improvement of the process of training graduates in the field of software engineering. At the same time, due to the achieved high level of results of the NDR, the department found an effective scientific and organizational basis for the development and increase of the effectiveness of its activities in the main directions:

- upgrading the qualifications of teachers of the department and Khai through postgraduate and doctoral studies;

- development and introduction into the educational process of new lectures, laboratory and practical works, new and real topics of course and diploma projects, as well as effective educational information technologies;

- implementation of scientific research developments in the production and economy of Ukraine;

- establishment and development of international relations and joint participation in educational and scientific projects;

- participation in competitions for the implementation of the NDR under international grants.

Four scientific directions are successfully working and developing at the department.

Development of software for testing spacecraft systems
Scientific supervisor, head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor Turkin.

A system of formalized description of the process of testing spacecraft systems has been created, which allows a specialist in space engineering (not a programmer) to describe the desired technological process, check its automatic execution, and, if necessary, to document and edit this description.

Three key points ensure the effectiveness of this solution.

1. The well-known languages of programmable logic controllers, introduced by the IEC 61131-3 standard, and the achievements of artificial intelligence in terms of problem-oriented languages became the basis for the development of a specialized text-graphic language for describing the technological processes of testing spacecraft systems. The combination of text and graphics ensures clarity and clarity of the description. The technological process of testing is described in terms of modes (long-term states) and checks (algorithms that provide diagnostics of nodes and subsystems). The transition of the system from one mode to another is initiated when the specified conditions are met.

2. Based on the developed semantics of the formalized description of the testing process, an editor program was developed for visual preparation of the testing scenario. After the scenario preparation session is completed, it is automatically checked for correctness and saved in database format.

3. The real-time subsystem, when choosing one or another technological test process, downloads its description from the database and, at the operator's command, ensures its automatic execution. The same subsystem, when issuing commands by the operator in manual mode, ensures their entry into the database for further editing. Thus, individual operations of the technological process of testing can be chosen experimentally if desired.

This approach made it possible to quickly prepare a series of software products intended for autonomous testing of power supply systems of space vehicles, resource tests of a chemical battery, complex ground tests, which fully meet the customer's requirements. The developed software products allow for real-time interaction with external equipment, operational analysis of the system state, support timely notification of the operator about alarms caused by critical conditions of the test object, provide calculation of integral indicators, and also easily fit into the general information system of spacecraft tests.

Implementation and operation of the developed PP in the information system of testing space vehicles (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Luchshev).

Scientific foundations, methods and means of green computing and communications
Scientific supervisor, head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor Turkin.

Modern society needs not just information technologies, but mobile IT. The growth rate of desktop and laptop sales stopped growing a few years ago, and demand shifted to mobile devices. Most of today's mobile computing devices are not inferior to the computing power of stationary computers and at the same time possess such properties as portability and portability. But these advantages cause a number of rather serious problems, among which one of the most important is the short duration of the device's operation in autonomous mode without connecting to the power supply network. In recent years, the total consumption of electricity by the communications and information technology sector has been growing rapidly, and the amount of heat released and carbon dioxide has increased proportionally. Therefore, the problem of creating energy-efficient and guarantee-capable, i.e., functionally and informationally safe software applications that ensure the permissible amount of risks of harmful effects on the environment and minimize the consumption of energy and resources in any form comes to the fore. The results of the work on this topic are more than 20 scientific articles, two monographs, two candidate dissertations, and most importantly, the practical application of the developed theoretical materials.

Methodological foundations of the synthesis of intelligent integrated decision support systems for the management of complex socio-technical objects
Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shostak.

The specified direction includes the following components:

1. Creation of an empirical situational basis based on micro-theories about space and time in which a complex socio-technical object of management exists.

2. Creation of the theoretical foundations of the synthesis of a single information space (including the space of knowledge) for the management system of a complex socio-technical object of management.

3. Creation of tools that allow the use of ontologies as the core of intelligent decision-making support systems by top managers.

4. The development of these areas will provide an opportunity to develop a theory of synthesis of holonic management systems in the future.

Quality assurance and assessment, including software security of critical application systems in various areas of social practice (space, business, nuclear power, aviation, transport, etc.)
Scientific supervisor, doctor of technical sciences, professor Konorev.

The specified direction includes the following components:

1. Strategy of total quality management in software engineering (TQM).

2. Probative independent verification (DIV) of software of critical application systems.

Regulation and monitoring of risks in software engineering during the development of systems of critical application and intensive use of software for the implementation of their functionality.

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