Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific Activity of the Department of Aircraft Engine Design
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

In 1972, at the request of the general and chief designers of project design bureaus, by order of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, the Industry Laboratory of Thermal Strength was opened at our department, the head of which was appointed a senior researcher, Ph.D. Dmytro Simbirskyi. Senior researcher Grigoriev made a great contribution to the development of the laboratory. The head of the department, Oleksandr Frid, was an ardent supporter and head of design and development of new aircraft engines, actively supported the work of the thermal strength laboratory and its close scientific connection with aviation design bureaus.

In 1979, the staff of the thermal strength laboratory consisted of 45 employees. A special role in its development was contributed by: Anikin, Mashtylova, Oliynyk, Skrypka, Goltsov, But, Gusev, Volkov, Posikan, Pronenko and others.

Film thermocouples

The film means of measuring the temperature state developed by the laboratory and the methods of studying the thermal stress state of the elements of gas turbine engines have found wide application in the country's leading design bureaus of aircraft engine construction, and first of all in Zaporizhzhia at the ZMKB Ivchenko-Progress. The laboratory of thermal strength laid the theoretical foundations of a new promising scientific direction of diagnostics of the thermal state of structural elements of aircraft engines. 

Diagnostics of gas turbine engines

At the end of the seventies of the last century, a new scientific direction — diagnostics of aviation gas turbine engines — was widely developed at the department. The head of this direction from the first days was Docent Serhiy Epifanov. The department headed by him carries out work on the development of the debugging software complex, PS-90 engine diagnostic systems; simulation of transient modes of engines AI-25, D-36 and TV3-117; implementation of algorithms of the flow part of the D-18 engine on An-124 and An-225 aircraft; methodical and software tools for providing on-board and ground means of processing and diagnosing aviation and gas-pumping gas turbine engines. 

Problematic research laboratory of aircraft engine diagnostics

In 1997, by the decision of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, the Problem Research Laboratory of Aircraft Engine Diagnostics was created at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute at Department 203.

Main areas of scientific research

This is only a conditional, more general layering of directions, but in fact they can all be closely related to each other.

Designing systems of automatic control and diagnostics of gas turbine engines

Serhii Yepifanov is the leading specialist in the field

Aircraft engine manufacturing is one of the few high-tech branches of the Ukrainian economy that has a world level. Maintaining this level is impossible without the introduction of digital electronic engine management and control systems, the main component of which are control and diagnostic algorithms. These algorithms are based on the use of mathematical models of the working process of engines and their systems. Adequacy of models is ensured by their agreement with experimental data obtained during tests and operation.

Work on parametric diagnostics of engines began in 1975 under the leadership of professors Simbirskyi and Epifanov. Work on control algorithms began in 1989 under the leadership of Professor Epifanov. The results were implemented on engines D-18T (An-124 "Ruslan" aircraft), D-436-148 (An-148), AI-222K-25 (L-15 aircraft), TV3-117VMA-SBM1 (An-140) , PS-90 (Il-96, Tu-204), D-27 (An-70), AI-450MS (An-148), MS-14 (An-3), TV3-117VMA-SBM1B (helicopter Mi- 8) and a number of others.

Main areas of work:

Parametric diagnostics

Methodical, algorithmic and software for parametric diagnostics of gas turbine engines for aviation and land use.

Mathematical modeling

Mathematical modeling of the working process of gas turbine engines in steady and transient modes of operation. Development of mathematical models of control objects (engine, executive and measuring devices) for the analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems at various stages of the life cycle.

Software implementation

Development and software implementation of engines and power plant control algorithms.

Workflow identification

Identification of the working process of engines using mathematical models of different levels using information registered during tests and in operation.

Detection of defects

Detection of defects in engine parts and assemblies by vibration characteristics

Monitoring of the thermal and thermal stress state of aircraft engine parts

Yevhen Marceniuk is a leading specialist in the field

One of the main requirements for aircraft engines is to ensure a high level of reliability during a given period of service life. Ensuring a modern level of engine resource is not possible if there is no continuous control (monitoring) of resource depletion of individual parts in real operating conditions based on information recorded in flight. For this, it is necessary to use a set of mathematical models, which include models of the engine's working process, the boundary conditions of the heat exchange of parts, load factors of parts, the temperature state of parts, the stress-strain state of parts and the damage of materials. The department proposed new approaches to the formation of this complex of models, which allow monitoring the resource of parts according to flight data with the necessary accuracy.

Work on measuring temperatures and determining the temperature state of gas turbine parts began in 1968 under the leadership of prof. Simbirskyi. The direction related to resource monitoring was founded by professors Simbirskyi and Oliynyk in 1997. The results were implemented in the resource monitoring systems of the main engine parts D-18T (An-124 "Ruslan" aircraft), D-436-148 (An-148), AI-450MS (An-148), D-27 (An-70).

Main areas of work:

Monitoring of the condition of parts

Monitoring the exhaustion of the main resources of gas turbine engine parts in operation and during equivalent-cyclic tests based on mathematical models of the temperature and stress state.

Experimental measurement of temperatures and deformations

Measurement of temperatures and deformations of engine parts operating at elevated temperatures using film transducers.

Vibrodiagnostics and vibroacoustics of aircraft engines and technical systems

Valentyn Chygrin is the leading specialist in the field

Oscillatory processes, wherever they arise, spread to nearby nodes and parts, to the entire structure of the aircraft, causing not only discomfort for the crew and passengers, but also failure of the aircraft and engine automation, resonance phenomena and even destruction of structural elements. Vibroacoustics studies the generation and propagation of vibrations in machines, as well as methods of combating them.

On the other hand, the vibrations and noise of the engine have enough information about the state, operation mode of the engine and its individual components, as well as about the future destruction of any component or part. Therefore, vibrodiagnostics is one of the modern directions of technical diagnostics, in which various vibrational processes are used as diagnostic signals.

Vibrodiagnostic methods are used during the design, production, operation and repair of engines. They are effective for:

- detection of imbalance of rotating parts;

- defects of bearings, gears, pumps, fuel injectors;

- pressure pulsations in the gas-air tract (pumping, rotational breakdown, vibrational combustion), etc.;

- make it possible to assess the condition of the engine and its elements at any depth;

- fully automate the diagnosis process up to issuing recommendations to the crew regarding actions in special cases in flight;

- to receive a forecast for a certain time interval, which makes possible operation according to the actual technical condition.

The reason for the destruction of the MAN piston engine crankcase was determined by analyzing its vibration characteristics. In the process of flight tests, a study and analysis of the vibrations of a turboprop engine of a passenger aircraft was carried out, the sources of vibrations and the reasons for the destruction of the engine in flight were determined, and recommendations were formulated for changing the design of the engine and fastening nodes in order to reduce the level of vibrations. A technique for detecting rotary failure in the compressor by vibration characteristics has been developed in order to prevent the development of surge. At the request of the European Space Agency, a study of the vibrations of the thermohydroaccumulator for the space station during the flight of the launch vehicle into orbit was carried out, and recommendations were formulated for changing the design of the thermohydroaccumulator and its fastening nodes.

Main areas of work:

Determination of the technical condition of structures by vibration characteristics

Study of the vibrations of gas turbine and piston engines, bearing units and gears with the aim of determining their technical condition by vibration characteristics, identifying the sources of increased vibrations.

Vibration transducers and processing of vibration signals

Selection of types and characteristics of sensors for measuring vibrations and their installation locations on the object under study, determination of frequency response and calibration of sensors, registration, processing and analysis of vibration signals.

Acoustic analysis and noise reduction of gas turbine engines

Study of the acoustic properties of devices for reducing the noise of aircraft engines, development of noise-absorbing devices.

Computational analysis of gas dynamic, thermophysical and thermochemical processes in hot nodes of gas turbine engines (including combustion chambers)

Dmytro Dolmatov is a leading specialist in the field

The main trend of the last two decades is the shift of the center of gravity of fundamental and applied scientific works in the direction of numerical studies of physical objects and phenomena. It is associated with the rapid development of technical and software tools and is fully related to the tasks of forecasting and reconstruction of the characteristics and thermal state of "hot" nodes of gas turbine engines (including combustion chambers), testing and operational equipment of gas turbine technology, which in turn became the methodological basis of their optimal design, completion and diagnosis.

The problems that have to be faced when solving these tasks are among the most difficult in modern mathematical physics and mathematical modeling, which is due to the geometric and physical complexity of objects of gas turbine technology, the presence in them of such phenomena as turbulence, convective, radiant and connected heat exchange, phase and chemical transformations.

The direction related to numerical modeling has been developed by senior researcher Kostyuk since 1985, initially within the framework of the scientific school of Professor Nechaev in relation to processes in combustion chambers, and since 2003 as part of the National Aerospace University, it has been expanded in relation to other "hot" nodes of test and operational equipment of gas turbine facilities. The results are implemented in the practice of research and design works of the gas turbobuilding enterprises of the former USSR and Ukraine, namely, the "Saturn" MNVP named after Lyulki, PMKB, SE NVKG "Zorya" — "Mashproekt" (Mykolaiv), SE "Ivchenko-Progress" (Zaporizhia), "Motor Sich" (Zaporizhia), PJSC "Turboatom" (Kharkiv), PJSC MINVO named after Frunze (Sumi).

Over the past 5 years, the department has conducted research on the following topics:

- formation of scientific foundations for the creation of automatic control systems, ensuring the thermal regime and intensification of the combustion processes of aircraft engines, 2015-2017.

- development of a methodology for the formation of algorithms for diagnosing the flow part of passenger aircraft engines in 2017-18. Order No. W063/11DMAC/YZD1040UA-203-17/2017 (customer: ChinaMachineryInvestmentGroupLtd., HongKong);

- development of the structure of a perspective system of automatic control of an aviation gas turbine engine in 2018-19. Order No. 203-6/2018 (customer: SE "Ivchenko-Progres", Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine);

- formation of technologies for the creation of adaptive control systems for gas turbine engines of passenger and transport aircraft in 2019-20. B/t No. D203-3/2019P (D/R No. 0119U100942);

- development of a complex of dynamic mathematical models of the AI-322 engine in 2020-21. Order No. 203-10/2020 (customer: PrJSC "FED", Kharkiv, Ukraine);

- modernization and support of the complex of dynamic mathematical models of the AI-322 engine in 2021. Ch/d No. 203-18/2020 (customer: PrJSC "FED", Kharkiv, Ukraine).

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