Educational support staff | ХАІ
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Educational support staff
of the Department of Aircraft Production Technology
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Красовський Сергій Олександрович

Serhii Krasovskyi

Head of the laboratory


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]

Келеберда Олександр Валентинович

Oleksandr Keleberda

Senior Engineer


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]

 Коростельова Алла Антонівна

Alla Korostelova

Senior Engineer


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]

Бєсєдіна Олена Вікторівна

Olena Biesiedina

Engineer of the 1st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]

Рябіков Сергій Миколайович

Serhii Riabikov

Engineer of the 1st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected] 

Клименко Оксана Миколаївна

Oksana Klymenko

Engineer of the 2st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]  

Клименко Оксана Миколаївна

Olha Korsun

Engineer of the 2st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected] 

Клименко Оксана Миколаївна

Anatolii Morholenko

Engineer of the 2st category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected]  

Клименко Оксана Миколаївна

Hanna Riabikova

Engineer of the 2nd category


Phone: +38 (057) 788-40-95

E-mail[email protected] 

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