Training and laboratory base | ХАІ
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Training and laboratory base
of the Department of Aircraft Production Technology
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Laboratory of Reengineering of Aviation Structures


Educational laboratory of assembly and assembly works

The laboratory provides practical and laboratory work in disciplines related to the technologies of assembly work in the production of aircraft. The laboratory is equipped with 11 stands in accordance with the methods used in production at enterprises in Ukraine and abroad.


Training laboratory for welding aircraft parts

The educational laboratory provides laboratory work and practical classes in disciplines related to the study of modern methods of welding parts of airplanes, helicopters and aerospace engineering objects. The educational laboratory is equipped with industrial equipment of 12 types of welding, on which students perform laboratory work.


Educational laboratory of procurement and stamping works

The laboratory provides practical and laboratory work in disciplines related to the technologies of procurement and stamping work in the production of aircraft. The laboratory has 13 stands according to the technologies used in the production of the main parts of aircraft and helicopter structures at enterprises in Ukraine and abroa.


Educational laboratory of mechanical processing of aircraft parts

The educational laboratory provides laboratory work and practical classes in disciplines related to the study of modern methods and means of technological equipment for the production of parts of airplanes, helicopters and aerospace engineering objects by dimensional processing with removal of allowance. The educational laboratory is equipped with a multimedia projector and a video library for modern methodical support of laboratory work and practical classesь.


Problematic scientific laboratory

The laboratory provides theoretical and experimental work on the subject of scientific research. Scientific research is carried out at the expense of economic contracts with enterprises, grants, and is also financed by the state budget of Ukraine by tender.

Aircraft modeling training workshop

A division of light aircraft was created at the department under the leadership of Candidate of technical Sciences of I. V. Kachkar. The unit unites a group of modelers (head: Candidate of Technical Sciences S. M. Polishchuk) and a group of aircraft designers (head: well-known designer S. M. Ryabikov).


Educational laboratory

The laboratory provides practical and laboratory work in the discipline "Theoretical foundations of aircraft construction technology". The laboratory is equipped with a set of visual maps, templates and two stands for modeling and calculating errors of the technological process of manufacturing parts.

Educational laboratory "Systems of automated design of technological preparation of production"

Laboratories provide practical and laboratory work in disciplines related to automated design systems. Teaching material is provided by explanatory and motivational and partially research methods of teaching. This makes it possible to acquire new knowledge, to form skills and abilities that students successfully apply in practice when working at computers.

Computer classes

Computer classes provide practical and laboratory work in disciplines related to automated engineering calculations (CAD or CAE). Teaching material is provided by explanatory and motivational and partially research methods of teaching. This makes it possible to acquire new knowledge, to form skills and abilities that students successfully apply in practice when working at computers.


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